Why switch from a loofah to an exfoliation glove?

Loofahs cannot be disinfected and can cause adverse skin conditions resulting from bacteria growth in the sponge. Exfoliating gloves can be used and sanitised like a washcloth for a more sanitary method of gently removing dead skin cells.

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Dear Valued Client,

To ensure the health and well-being of my valued clients, myself,  and the wider community, I remain committed to providing safe and accessible beauty therapy while preventing the spread of COVID-19 within the Canberra community.

COVID-19 precautions are still in place and I kindly ask that you adhere to all additional health measures whilst in the studio. If you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, please call to postpone your appointment, and self-isolate until you recover.

I thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to your visit.

Kind regards,

Natalie McBurney